

Joy! We inherently know that feeling joy is good for us. Now science is proving that feeling joy has positive effects on our bodies and our brains. But we encounter much each day to rob us of joy. How do we experience joy amidst the difficulties of life? I will be relying heavily on the wisdom of the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu from their book, The Book of Joy. We will also glean wisdom from the Apostle Paul and his letter to the Philippians. All three of these men experienced great suffering in their lives and yet remained people of joy.

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 They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love

They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love

This week's scripture was written to a community reeling from dissension caused by a split over what to believe about Jesus' divinity, in much the same way the UMC is going through its own split over the full inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ in the life and ministry of the denomination. The author here reminds the remaining community of what they believe and why. What that community believed and what we should remember today is that to fully embody the divine love already present within each of us, we must love all of creation as much as Jesus did in the life he lived. Remember: Jesus died a love-filled death so we can all can live a love-filled life.

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 Shepherding or being shepherded?

Shepherding or being shepherded?

This weekend we will honor Earth Day while exploring the New Testament image of Jesus as the good shepherd. What does it mean to be a good shepherd, to show responsibility and care towards a whole flock? And how might this reflect on the way humans relate to the Earth? Are we to have dominion, be good stewards, or simply be good citizens of Earth community? Can we be tended by nature even as we try to care for it? What relationship leads to the most abundant life? Eric will explore these questions without trying to offer easy answers.

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Touch Me and See

Touch Me and See

Doubt and Fear are visceral and real. We can feel them in our bodies. But peace is also visceral and real. How can we touch the world in ways that bring us peace and re-connect us to all of Creation?

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The Faithfulness of Doubt

The Faithfulness of Doubt

We think of Thomas as the doubting disciple, the one who questions the resurrection, but many scholars believe that the apostle Thomas traveled East, perhaps as far as Turkey, spreading the news of the risen Lord and of His Way of life. The gifts of doubt are many. Join us as we explore the faithfulness of doubt.

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Invite your friends, especially those with kids and join us this Saturday, March 30th at noon for a community Easter Egg hunt at The Land!

Kid-friendly crafts included.

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He Led a Good Life...

He Led a Good Life...

Join us at The Land UMC on Saturday as we reflect not only on the way Jesus died for us but also on how he lived for us, naming that his death on the cross has that much more power and influence because of the life he lived. Just as Jesus continued to live and speak as he had been doing, unwavering in his message of love and liberation, we, too, are called to reflect on the impact of how we live our lives.

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Who is This?

Who is This?

This Saturday, we will look at the story of Palm Sunday - the beginning of Holy Week, when we commemorate the entry into Jerusalem by Jesus and his followers. This parade gets a lot of attention, and it does so partly by confusing people. Jesus doesn't precisely meet anyone's expectations–not the authorities in Jerusalem, not the crowds watching, not even his disciples. Even a phrase often used by today's Christians to describe this procession - the "triumphal entry" - fails to capture the strangeness of this moment. Who is this Jesus, and what is really going on in this parade? And what does the story's strangeness mean for followers of Jesus today? We will explore some possible interpretations while also allowing it to remain a bit of a mystery.

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One Quarter at a Time

One Quarter at a Time

This week, Pastor Patti Agnew will turn our attention back to the Gospel of Mark. Jesus has been teaching, healing, feeding, and liberating. Crowds flock to Jesus. Some are amazed, some are fearful, some are loyal. Some question, while others are plotting to kill Jesus. And on this day, Jesus asks his followers, "Who do YOU say that I am?" How would you answer that question? And how does our answer impact how we live?

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Divine Love: Belief In Action

Divine Love: Belief In Action

This week, we will explore the power of divine love—a force that transforms and unites us in faith. We'll consider how this love guides us to address conflicts with empathy and reconciliation, using Jesus' example to move beyond division. Experience how living through Christ's love compels us to act justly and recognize our shared humanity. We will consider what it means to be part of a community striving to embody the love of Christ in every aspect of life.

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Overturning Tables

Overturning Tables

This week's gospel gives us a glimpse into a divine rage and asks us to consider the Temple itself differently than we ever have before. What does it mean to act from a divine rage and how is this different from uncontrolled anger? How can divine rage help us reorder the world?

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Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are

In a turning point in Mark's Gospel story, Jesus tries to explain to his disciples that following him may not look the way they're hoping. At the least, this will not be an easy ride characterized by victory and triumph. This journey of transformation will include some suffering, or some challenge to their previous lives and expectations. One part of this passage, the teaching that followers of Jesus must "take up their cross," has often been misused to tell people they shouldn't advocate for themselves or leave unhealthy situations. Eric will offer a different interpretation for our context: the need to begin with the truth about ourselves as we are, and our world as it is, in order to make a real difference in that world.

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President's Day Winter Retreat
to Feb 18

President's Day Winter Retreat

  • Family of 4: $ 350

  • Each additional family member: $50

  • Individual Adult: $150

  • Individual Child: $75

Feel free to pay on the online giving page here and use this signup sheet to let us know you are attending. In the comments section, please indicate how you are paying for the retreat and how many people you are paying for. We want every family that wants to go to be able to attend the retreat. If, for any reason, the above prices may prevent your family from attending, please start a conversation with Ross to discuss the next steps. Additionally, if you feel called to pay above what is listed for you or your family to offset the costs of others in our community, feel free to do so when paying for your family.

Annual Winter Retreat Sign-up Sheet
We would greatly appreciate the help of anyone willing to share their time and experience in making this retreat fun and run smoothly. If you would be interested in helping before and during the retreat, sign up here.

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A Journey from Earthly Cocoon to Radiant Butterfly

A Journey from Earthly Cocoon to Radiant Butterfly

Join us as we explore the spiritual metamorphosis akin to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. As spring heralds the promise of renewal and growth, we dive into a profound narrative of change, not measured by distance but by the depth of transformation within. We will think about the miraculous process of becoming, where darkness and confinement in a cocoon give way to the potential for astonishing metamorphosis. This journey mirrors our own spiritual transformation, emphasizing the importance of every step taken in faith towards emerging as radiant beings, ready to grace the skies of our existence. Ross shares a part of his personal story of stepping out of a so-called cocoon into a path to ordained ministry, highlighting the significance of embracing the journey with open hearts, even amid challenges.

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Confronting the Chaos

Confronting the Chaos

Rev. Jessica Abell is an ordained American Baptist minister focused on climate justice and building up the Beloved Community. Informed by both advanced training in urban and city policy and planning and decades of experience in professional ministry, her vision is biblically based but contemporary and practical -an Ecological Applied Theology, she once called it.

Jessica is the founding pastor of a small interfaith church, that is, few members would identify as Christian, although they all respect her Gospel focus. Living Waters meets throughout the Denver metro region and also hosts a book group at a Capitol Hill coffee shop.

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 A New Teaching?

A New Teaching?

In Mark’s action-packed Gospel narrative, right after the first disciples are called, we get a strange story about an “unclean spirit.” and something like an exorcism. In our scientifically-minded age, we tend to ignore or explain away stories like this. But what if the author of Mark was using this story to tell us something important about the nature of Jesus’s ministry? What should we, as followers of Jesus two thousand years later, learn from such a strange story? And what can it mean for The Land? Eric will wrestle with these questions using a combination of personal stories and research into the Gospel’s historical context.

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Conversation & Casseroles

Conversation & Casseroles

Join us for "Conversation & Casseroles," a monthly gathering every 3rd Saturday at The Land. This event is more than just a potluck—it's a time for worship, fellowship, and the strengthening of our communal and familial bonds. As our worship concludes, we welcome everyone to pull up a chair, savor a variety of homemade creations (including casseroles!), and relish in the warmth of our shared company. Afterward, we will transition into a period of open, heartfelt conversation about our community's direction. Your voice matters, and we believe that through these conversations, we can collectively shape the future of our worship community. This is an incredible opportunity to get involved, connect with your church family, and deepen your spiritual journey with us.

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Ripples of the Spirit

Ripples of the Spirit

Join us this Saturday at The Land UMC for a sermon by Ross that will take you to the shores of the Sea of Galilee, where the echoes of Jesus' ministry still resonate with a call to action and transformation.
Imagine the gentle waters, the wild's call, and the profound message of Jesus: "The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:14-20).
Dive into the depths of your calling, recognize the voice beckoning you amidst your daily life, and prepare to change and grow. Embrace the courage to lay down the familiar, pick up a new purpose, and walk into the unknown with faith.
Are you ready to repurpose your skills and answer a new call? Like Simon and Andrew, where can we respond decisively and step out in faith together as a community?

Whether you're in the wilderness or the city, your soul is the pebble that can start a ripple effect of good news and transformation.

Be part of the narrative that transforms lives and communities.

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Look Again

Look Again

With extremely cold temperatures predicted for this Saturday, we are planning to meet this week by Zoom rather than in person. Watch for another email on Friday with links for the Zoom meeting and the program.
Eric McEuen, Minister of Music and Community, will provide this week's message. The Gospel stories include numerous people who don't seem to see what's in front of them, often because they have strong beliefs or attitudes that say it can't be possible. This is especially vivid in a question asked in this week's passage: "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" But this is a very human tendency, to think we know enough that we fail to see something else. How often do our preconceptions keep us from seeing part of the picture? Can we learn more, or find more hope, by taking a second look at things we've ruled out? Eric will wrestle with questions like these and what they might mean for us today.

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Grace Like Rain

Grace Like Rain

Join Ross Janovec this Saturday as he unpacks the profound meaning of baptism, especially in this season of change as the new year takes shape. Discover how this sacred act initiates personal growth and spiritual transformation while also fostering communal empowerment and unity. Explore the importance of community support and collective action in cultivating positive change. Together, we can embody the transformative power of water and live out our faith in renewed ways. Join us this Saturday as we embark on a journey of personal and communal transformation.

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Do Your Hear What I Hear?

Do Your Hear What I Hear?

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, we find ourselves surrounded by reflections, questions, and the anticipation of renewal. The question resonating in our hearts and minds is, "Do you hear what I hear?" This question, interwoven with the transitions of the new year, invites us to dive deeper into our communal journey of faith. Ross, partnering with his wife Jamie, will provide us with a virtual worship experience that we may enjoy at our convenience over the coming week.

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A Magnificent Love

A Magnificent Love

Join us in the 4th week of Advent, where we focus on the theme of "Love." We'll spend some time reflecting on Mary's Magnificat, which in Latin means "My soul magnifies the Lord" and explore how Mary's words help "magnify" the great depth, enormity, and power of God's love, and consider what Christ's embodiment of love means for us today.

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Conversation & Casseroles

Conversation & Casseroles

Join us for "Conversation & Casseroles," a monthly gathering every 3rd Saturday at The Land. This event is more than just a potluck—it's a time for worship, fellowship, and the strengthening of our communal and familial bonds. As our worship concludes, we welcome everyone to pull up a chair, savor a variety of homemade creations (including casseroles!), and relish in the warmth of our shared company. Afterward, we will transition into a period of open, heartfelt conversation about our community's direction. Your voice matters, and we believe that through these conversations, we can collectively shape the future of our worship community. This is an incredible opportunity to get involved, connect with your church family, and deepen your spiritual journey with us.

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An Advent Service of Scripture and Song

An Advent Service of Scripture and Song

This Saturday Patti Agnew will lead us in a service of word and song. We will read through the nativity story and sing our favorite carols. We will rest in the power of the story of Jesus' birth, allowing the words and music to touch our hearts. Let's gather on The Land, connect with one another, and open ourselves to the gifts the Holy Spirit has for us in this season. Following worship, we will enjoy a potluck.

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2nd Saturday of Advent: Glimpsing Peace Through the Wilderness

2nd Saturday of Advent: Glimpsing Peace Through the Wilderness

"Comfort, O comfort my people!" With these words begins a beautiful passage in the Book of Isaiah that is often quoted in the Advent season. These are words of restoration addressed to a people in exile, and words of mercy to a people suffering under oppression and a sense of divine judgment. They also present a vision of peace that has resonated through the ages - peace that is coming but not yet here; peace that is glimpsed from a distance through the wilderness. What do we make of this vision of peace today, amid the world's current troubles and violence? What is the path that can lead us from here to there, or at least closer to this vision of wholeness and justice? Eric will wrestle with these questions in light of the Advent season's message of waiting, preparation, and anticipating the arrival of a new world.

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1st Saturday in Advent: Our Shocking Hope

1st Saturday in Advent: Our Shocking Hope

Mark 13.24-37As we begin the Advent season, we enter into a time of hopeful waiting and anticipation for the coming of Christ. In this week's scripture, we witness Christ speak about the signs that will precede His return and our need to remain alert. Amidst the apocalyptic imagery found in this scripture passage, a message of hope shines through – a courageous faith in God's ability to transform our world. This hope is remarkable, as it encourages us to trust in God's goodness even when faced with an overwhelming world around us. You are invited to join us in living out this Advent hope by recognizing God's ongoing work in our world, not just in anticipation of Christ's coming. Let's embody hope in our words, actions, and interactions this Advent and bear witness to God's love.

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Thanks and Right-Sizing

Thanks and Right-Sizing

Psalm 145
This Saturday, we will not meet in person at The Land. Instead, we are offering a video message that you might watch from wherever you are! Minister Eric McEuen will offer a few songs and a short message on the theme of gratitude and wonder. The emphasis will be on gratitude as a choice we can make in any circumstances, which can change our perspective and even help us get through difficult times without closing our hearts. We will post this video on The Land's Facebook page at our usual worship time, 10 a.m. on Saturday morning.

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Finding Peace and Purpose During a time of Laying Fallow

Finding Peace and Purpose During a time of Laying Fallow

Join us this Saturday as Ross helps us dive into Psalm 136. We will explore how periods of stillness and apparent inactivity can be transformative seasons of preparation and deepening. Just as fallow fields restore their nutrients for a more abundant future harvest, our fallow seasons are opportunities for reflection, healing, and self-understanding. In the enduring refrain of Psalm 136, "For his mercy endures forever," we're reminded of God's unwavering love and faithfulness, regardless of our circumstances. We invite you to embrace this fallow season with us, discovering peace, purpose, and a renewed sense of hope for the future.

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Living Gratitude

Living Gratitude

Join us this Saturday for an inspiring worship experience as Rev. Isaac Dunn guides us towards discovering the influence of gratitude already present in our lives and context. We will explore how gratitude is not just a fleeting emotion but a transformative way of life. Discover how practicing gratitude can shift our perspective, help us recognize God's presence, and strengthen our resilience amidst life's trials. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and grow together.

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All Saints Worship

Join us for a special All Saints service this weekend as we honor the memory of those who have graced our lives and now rest with the saints. With Rev. Patti Agnew leading us, we'll symbolically gather at the river, inspired by the hymn and the vision of life in Revelation 22:1-5. We'll celebrate Holy Communion, write the names of our departed loved ones on rocks, and place them in our memorial garden, an act of remembrance and connection. Join us this Saturday at The Land UMC as we honor, remember, and find hope in the promise of God's eternal kingdom.

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Upcoming events.